The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations require all employers to make adequate and appropriate provision for first aid in response to an accident or someone falling ill in the workplace.
Every employer should make an assessment of what the first aid requirements might or should be to meet this standard. This includes assessing what equipment you might need and what personnel you might need to cover all of the sites and shifts that you work.
The minimum first-aid provision at any workplace is:
a suitably stocked first-aid box and what is suitable depends on your business and your assessment of the risks involved
an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements, more than one if you work a shift pattern
a notice to tell employees who and where the first-aiders or appointed persons are and where the first-aid box is.
Depending upon the results of your assessment you may also need trained first aiders or specialist equipment. Unless you do the assessment, you will not know.
See "First Aid and Health and Safety Law" in our Guidance Section for more information.
On Line Risk Assessments:
Our First Aid Assessment walks you through a check list of questions to ensure that you are providing the appropriate level of first aid cover proportionate to your needs as a business.
Our assessment is simple and easy to complete: view a page
The Assessment is Downloadable so you only need to purchase one copy and you may update it whenever circumstances change at no additional cost.
The Risk Assessment comes with Guidance:
Guide to the Provision of First Aid
How Many First Aiders Should I Have?
What Should I Have in the First Aid Box?
We Can Do It For You
If you would prefer us to conduct your risk assessments for you then simply contact us.
Alternatively, check out our start up package (if you don't yet have anything in place) or our safety audit (if you do but want your systems updated). We will make sure that you have met all your basic obligations and have the necessary policies and procedures in place.
Our prices will be hard to beat and are detailed on this website so that you don't have to chase us for a quote. You will know exactly how much you will be spending.
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